In a hidden corner of the magical world, two unicorns found each other - drawn by a force older than time. They danced beneath starlit skies, their embrace weaving a bond so pure it breathed life into the first rainbow. One, with flowers blooming in her mane, and the other, his strength marked by braided strands, moved as one - a harmony of grace and power.
Their love is more than a story - it is a spark of creation, a promise that even in endless realms of wonder, true hearts will always find their way. The Unicorns bead carries this ancient magic, a symbol of love's boundless journey.
Let it whisper to you of distant skies, hidden paths, and the unbreakable thread that binds two souls in a dance of eternity.
This masterpiece is designed by Marina Zimina. Bead dimensions: Height ~18mm; Width ~13mm; Depth ~17mm; weight: ~8g. The 4.7mm hole fits Elfbeads, Pandora, and Trollbeads bracelets. Crafted from premium nickel-free sterling silver, each bead is marked with the E925 hallmark for Elfbeads and 925 silver.
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