March 21, 2014
I thought it was important to give you a little insight in to the size of the new Unique beads.
The "small and beautiful" collection, as they have been named, are a wide range of glass beads made by Trollbeads for all of us avid fans who are after something more Unique. They come in a variety of colours and designs including the "octopus", "pink ridges" and "ornament" beads. These Unique glass beads are an amazing addition to any collection and have a huge following.
There have been a few comments about the overall size of these beads due to their name so, i have measured a few and the average size seems to be in the region of 12.5mm by 6.5mm. As a comparison the standard range glass Trollbeads have an average size of 14mm by 7mm. This is an average and i am sure there are smaller and larger beads both standard and Unique but, i thought it important to try and give you an idea as buying online it can be difficult to judge.
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